Live from Mexico: It's that lying scumbag George Bush! But seriously, fuck "Idiot Al" Gonzales--the doodyhead-in-chief MUST RESIGN IMMEDIATELY!

I'm sorry, Mr. Wolffe, that won't do anymore. You know perfectly well why Bush lies: because he CAN. He is a dimwitted bully fronting for a coaltion of alliances of traitorous, America-hating thugs. AND NO ONE PUBLICLY CHALLENGES THEIR LIES.
You know that what he said is "patently false"--a fancy way of saying "a big fat lie." We know it too. Everyone involved in the American justice system knows it. The only people who don't know it are the American people, who have been lovingly cultivated into their present state of violent, almost murderous obliviousness.
The lying scumbag Bush is either too stupid or too dishonest to live, let alone to occupy public office. It is now painfully obvious that there is no choice:
HE MUST RESIGN IMMEDIATELY! (And cart the beast Cheney off to hell with him.)
Of course lying is nothing new for him. This scumbag Bush has lied his head off ever since his cadres of hooligans got him installed, contrary to the clear will of the electorate, as president. On every matter of national importance, EVERY WORD THAT HAS EVER COME OUT OF HIS MOUTH HAS BEEN A LIE.
You could argue that given the depth of his arrogant ignorance--this is a creature whose one and only intellectual accomplishment is knowing NOTHING that's true about ANYTHING, and he brandishes his painstakingly constructed cluelessness as a lethal weapon against everyone who knows how stupid and ignorant he is--how can he know when he's lying?
But enough is enough. Could it be made any clearer that, on the entire range of issues his regime has involved itself in, his entire purpose in "communicating" with the American public has been to misinform them, with the intent of gulling them into supporting or at least tolerating policies that often run directly counter to their enlightened self-interest and, more generally, flatly contradict everything that's honest and decent in American life? He exists for the sole purpose of destroying our values and our constitutional system of government.
When he opens his lying mouth to say, while flashing the telltale smirk, that replacing U.S. attorneys is no big deal, it's done all the time, he MUST KNOW that this is an absolute and total lie. (And if he truly doesn't, that's all the more reason why he must resign immediately.) Every administration replaces all the U.S. attorneys at the outset. (Say, Chimpy, how many Clinton appointees are currently serving as U.S. attorneys?) However, once they're in office, U.S. attorneys are never replaced EXCEPT FOR CAUSE. And if that cause can be shown to be political, you have every right to expect the earth to tremble.
These people--and by "these people" I mean the architects of policy in the Bush regime, watched over (as far as I can determine) by Dick Cheney on international and economic issues, and by Karl Rove on social and political issues--have no regard for truth, as they have demonstrated at every conceivable opportunity. THEIR ONLY CONSIDERATION IS WHAT THEY CAN GET AWAY WITH. And they have pushed their disregard for truth and decency to the point where the operative question has become:
How do we KNOW we can't get away with something if we haven't TRIED?
We no longer have a system of opposing political beliefs, whether liberal vs. conservative or any other ideological "vs." Postmodern political strategists like Rove, abetted by the greedy and power-mad junk-Christian clergycrooks, have taken demonic possession of the mass of middle American grunt and sold them to the corporate heavy hitters who have resented for decades that Big Money has only bought them powerful influence instead of their rightful stranglehold on the political decision-making process.
People who feed on nothing but greed and hatred, who should by rights be locked away in prisons or mental institutions, control the minds of people who have betrayed their fundamental responsibilities as American citizens. The witless American sheep-people have gleefully made themselves so-far-unindicted co-conspirators in the wingnut campaign to destroy America of Washington and Jefferson and the rest of our founding fathers. The people not only tolerate Bush's lies, they demand them, even WORSHIP them.
Sometimes I try to imagine what goes on inside the head of someone like a brain-dead thug like Sean Hannity. I really don't think it's just the usual careerist cynicism that drives, say, Rush "Shaddup and Gimme My Damn Pills" Limbaugh. I think he is a believer. I just can't figure out, in what? All I can get to is that such people are so ragefully contemptuous of reality that they will defend to the death their right to be lied to. Okay, the death they probably have in mind is that of anyone who speaks up for reality. But it's the principle that counts.
The Bushlie about the U.S. attorneys is too grotesque even to be worth answering. But for the record, as far as anyone familiar with the history of the Justice Department knows, no administration has ever contemplated let alone carried out a mass firing of sitting U.S. attorneys (i.e., during a presidential term, or even in the second term of a two-term administration). It just isn't done, and for the most blindingly obvious reason: Our system of justice simply can't allow the appearance, let alone the reality, of federal prosecutors being partisan activists.
Then there's this hilarious busines about U.S. attorneys being fired for failing to aggressively pursue "voter fraud"! Jeez!
Oh, I'm sure there are Republicrook strategists who honestly do jerk off while fantasizing about using the U.S. attorneys as weapons in the high-power Republican election-stealing crusade. Presumably those U.S. attorneys who failed to launch anti-Democratic voting-fraud investigations know what the rest of us know: that a full and fair investigation of election tampering would result in the dismantling of the enitre Republican electoral operation.
(What do you say we start with Florida and Ohio, just for laughs?)
As we all know, election fraud and tampering have become a pillar of day-in, day-out Republican politics. A full-scale nationwide investigation that resulted in the malefactors being punished and the machinery of election fraud being permanently stripped out would probably result in no national Republican being electable for the next 20 years, and few Republicans at any level of governement except in the blood-reddest of red precincts. STEALING ELECTIONS HAS BECOME THE LIFEBLOOD OF REPUBLICAN POLITICS.
Which brings us back to Mr. Wolffe, and his puzzlement at the Bush strategy in making a claim that is "patently false."
There are so-called reporters--the Fox Noise crowd and their brethren in ideological hooliganism--who are either too stupid to know that this regime always lies or too cynical to care. (These would be people who, in other words, share the elite-wingnut view that lies in the service of their imagined "higher truth" are justified, possibly by God himself.) It's time for everyone else who sits or stands there when the regime honchos and its mouthpieces spew their filthy falsehoods to Draw a Line for Truth.
From now on, whenever Chimpy the Prez, or one of his masters or stooges, utters one of their rank falsehoods, I want to hear Mr. Wolffe and his colleagues shout back in unison:
Or, if you want to get fancy and introduce a bit of variety:
Me, I'd be a happy, or at any rate happier, campier if from now on every lie uttered for the public record by the regime was greeted by a rousing chorus of:
I say the next out-and-out whopper the scumbag breaks off, he gets his carcass thrown in the slammer while the courts work out whether his "life sentence" should be of the natural-death variety or the kind that provided him so much entertainment when he was governor of Texas. You know, the kind that ends with lethal injection.
I'm just saying.
Labels: Gonzales, Impeachment, U.S.-attorney purge, venality of Bush
Liar! Liar! Liar! is exactly the right response to Bush. But the death wishes aren't. You're just giving a license to Coulter and her ilk.
Didn't I make clear that I was wishing Bush either to die in prison while serving a life sentence for his crimes or, if the jury so decides, to receive the death sentence for those crimes which he meted out so joyously as Texas governor?
I don't see what Ann Coulter has to do with this. I believe that Bush should be tried for his crimes once he is out of office--ideally by impeachment and conviction to speed up the process. There's no doubt in my mind that if you picked a day from the Bush regime at random, you would be able to find enough criminal behavior to justify 10 or 15 death sentences.
It's true that I proposed immediate incarceration, which would amount to a certain period of pretrial detention, but that happens all the time for much lesser criminals. And anybody who's watched a few episodes of Law & Order could slap together a persuasive motion against granting the scumbag bail. While he's free, he is an immediate danger to every living creature on the planet.
If Ann Coulter finds propaganda value in my belief that the leaders of the Bush regime should answer for what they've done in courts of law, well . . . say, are we talking about the same Ann Coulter?
Quite frankly I've found this Dept. of Justice firings business very complicated, and a bit boring. Thankfully, Jon Stewart explains it to me in this video:
In the classic movie The Princess Bride, Carol Kane as Valerie yells "Liar, Liar, Liiiiii-uhhhrrrrr!" to Miracle Max, played by Billy Crystal. Since Rob Reiner, the director of his gem, is a great liberal, I'd love to see him grant permission to Jon Stewart and Keith Olbermann to use that clip every time Bush and his thugs open their mouths. It would save me having to yell my version at the tv on a nightly basis. It is long overdue.
Hear, hear, magnificent post.
I'm new to your fine site here but count me in.
Now when do I get my new toaster?
"Mistakes made themselves. I had nothing to do with it."
- Al "Capone" Gonzalez
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