This bulletin just in from Guantanamo: American propaganda puppetmaster Karl Rove has once again waved his magic wand and changed the subject
In breaking news, Khalid Sheik Mohammed has admitted that he's the one who fixed the 1919 World Series (and later bought black socks for all the White Sox players he bribed), and the one who kidnapped the Lindbergh baby. He's the one who shot J.R., and the one who told Irving Libby (not to mention Tim Russert and Bob Novak) about Valerie Plame being in the CIA. He also claims to know the whereabouts of Judge Crater, Jimmy Hoffa, and an honest Republican.

I bet the last thing you wanted to see again was this damned picture. Man, we seem to be seeing it everywhere we look.
Yeah, well, that's kind of the point.
Phew, what a coincidence! At the very moment the Bush regime is taking hits from all sides, suddenly Khalid Sheik Mohammed is singing the Guantanamo Serenade.
Of course from the tiny bits of information we've been given about the circumstances of the sheik's "interrogation" and "trial," it's clear that these "confessions" are totally the product of the most extreme physical and psychological violence it's possible to inflict on a human being short of murder. In a society that attaches even the slightest value to truth and justice, not a word of this would be admissible in any sort of judicial proceeding.
I would have no difficulty believing that our Khalid is guilty of all sorts of things. The irony is that the gang of psychopaths acting in the name of the U.S. government have managed to make him appear, from the legal standpoint, pure as the driven snow. Experts on torture agree that it produces not truthful admissions but any damn thing the torture victim thinks his torturers want to hear. That, in combination with his being denied every single right that our justice system requires be accorded to criminal defendants, makes these so-called confessions 100 percent pure, worthless garbage.
And of course, while we're arguing about this, we're not talking about the total corruption of the Justice Department (although in a way we are, aren't we? after all, how did Idiot Al "The Torture Guy" get his name?), or rampant Republican criminality, or the catastrophe in Iraq, or the scandalous abuse of our wounded and maimed servicepeople and veterans, or . . . well, you know the list.
Karl Rove the propaganda puppetmaster sprinkles his magic fairy dust, and it all goes away.
I'll tell you anything you want to hear....just stop pulling my fingernails out!!!
this is just a "fix"... we are less likely to go along with it because fashions have changed. America is different now.
The Bushites must be desperate... worldwide markets are plummeting.. Everyone else wants to stop the war.., and Neil Bush style junk loans are foreclosing again.. Get the guy in his underwear, QUICK!
Or, upon my personal advice, please impeach the President for his lies and restore Constitutional Democracy for the United States.
The problem the government should have with that picture is that he looks like he just got off he water board.
You know, I had to laugh my ass off when I heard this story this morning. Rove is so off his game nowadays, it's becoming amusing.
No one is buying this story, really. I mean, it's the top story on all of the news programs, but watch more closely; they're spending two minutes on this and ten minutes on the US Attorney story, which keeps on breaking over and over again.
I have talked to a few people about this today, and even the more conservative of them are laughing. Khalid Sheik Mohammed admitting all of this is just silly and stupid. First of all, he wouldn't say anything for years; now, all of a sudden, he's admitting everything? And if anyone would bother to notice, he's apparently admitting to more things than he could have possibly planned by himself, and he's doing so from a prison that is secretive by nature, and no one can talk to him, or anyone else, to verify his story.
To tell you the truth, I was half expecting him to admit he was the Zodiac killer.
The Bush Administration ended a long time ago; I think Karl Rove may be the only one who doesn't realize it...
That guy was described by both colleagues and interrogators as incompetent, delusional, several beers short of a sixpack, and completely off his rocker even before being tortured for the last four years.
Anyone who has been treated the way he has would confess to 9/11 or anything else.
I despise the media for telling this story without investigating this story.
And speaking of despise, could somebody find a place for Mort Kondrake to take off his mask and show America that the pay check he receives from fox has infiltrated his fucking mind.
I can't stand that creepy son of a bitch and now he's become a mouthpiece for the right, disguised as a reporter from the left. It ain't sellin kids! Kondrake is a fuck.
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