The Republicans are making a lame attempt to get voters' minds off real issues, like Bush's catastrophic economic agenda, the gutting of the U.S. Constitution, and the gutting of Iraq-- to name just 3 that come to the top of my head instantly-- with a series of clownish proposals meant to appeal to the most extremist part of the Know Nothing base: gay marriage, abolishment of the estate tax (aka- The Paris Hilton Inheritance Tax Protection Plan), abolishment of the Voting Protection Act, and, today, the silliest and most meaningless of them all, the so-called Flag Burning Amendment. It failed. Frist is so lame he couldn't even keep Mitch McConnell (R-KY), his #2, from voting against this nonsense (which even Scalia signaled would be found unconstitutional).
Lucky McConnell voted no, thought, because there were enough Democratic turn-coats voting with Bush today to have passed it without McConnell's and Bennett's (R-UT) defection from the latest fascist nonsense. In case you like keeping track of which Democrats were the ones who don't deserve to call themselves Democrats today, here's the list:
Max Baucus (D-MT)- the #2 most reactionary voting record (after Ben Nelson) of any Democrat in the Senate
Evan Bayh (D-IN)- most reactionary voting record of any Democratic senator with presidential pretensions
Mark Dayton (D-MN)- good riddance
Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)- up for re-election in November. I have never cast a vote for this worthless hack. I hope she wins by one vote.
Tim Johnson (D-SD)- coward
Mary Landrieu (D-LA)- third worst Democrat in the Senate; she'll lose next time anyway
Blanche Lincoln (D-AR)- virtually tied with Landrieu for 3rd most reactionary Democrat
Bob Menendez (D-NJ)- he gets a pass cause he's normally a solid progressive
Bill Nelson (D-FL)- better than Katherine Harris, mostly because she's so terrible, not because he's worth anything
Ben Nelson (D-NE)- the Democrat with the overall worst voting record in the Senate; votes with the GOP at least as much as with Democrats on substantive issues. In fact his voting score is closer to 4 Republicans than it is to the next worst Democrat, Baucus.
Harry Reid (D-NV)- grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
John Rockefeller (D-WV)- no comment
Ken Salazar (D-CO)- more and more turning into a dickhead
Debbie Stabenow (D-MI)- like Menendez, she gets a pass on this one 'cause she's normally a committed progressive
Frist and these other grandstanding horses' asses, who are not doing their jobs as they let our country literally fall apart, decided they had nothing better to do today than waste an entire day debating... nothing at all. As Dana Millbank reports in todays POST, the kooks and wingnuts at "the Citizens Flag Alliance, a group pushing for the Senate this week to pass a flag-burning amendment to the Constitution, just reported an alarming 33% increase in the number of flag-desecration incidents this year. The number has increased to four, from three."
That's what Bill Frist, who wants to be president (of the United States) decided to waste the Senate's day on. 4 people descrecrated a flag this year; let's pass a Constitutional Amendment. What about passing a minimum wage raise?
what happened to Hillary? she's so anti flag burning. Landrieu
ReplyDeleteis a mess and I thought she'd turn out to BE somebody.
Did that fourth desecration incident refer to Bush's recent autographing of American flags in Europe?
ReplyDeleteI am a lover of cats and a life long member of the humane society. The idea of Bill "the cat killer" Frist becoming president is like some scenario out of a horror movie. I hug my cats closer when I think of it and tell them I'll protect them.
ReplyDeleteI am wondering why Reid voted Yay and Lieberman & Clinton voted Nay. Election jitters?
I am a lover of cats and a life long member of the humane society. The idea of Bill "the cat killer" Frist becoming president is like some scenario out of a horror movie. I hug my cats closer when I think of it and tell them I'll protect them.
ReplyDeleteI am wondering why Reid voted Yay and Lieberman & Clinton voted Nay. Election jitters?
diversionary tactics from bush's miserable failed agenda? i wonder if the right wing-nuts have been noticing the "biblical" wrath that has come down on florida, texas and now washington, d.c.. late on sunday night, as i left a bar a few block away from bush's house, i walked across 16th st. nw and stopped in the middle as flooding waters rushed over my feet and halfway up my legs. we got an inch of rain every hour for seven hours straight! i looked down towards the whitehouse and saw continuous flashes of lightning threatening to go "ike turner" on that mother at any second. the street lights flickered and traffic signs swayed in a devilish dance as limbs were torn from the trees and "washington times" vending boxes were ripped from the sidewalks. there were mudslides and government building were flooded. i hear cheney ran off to his bunker with two weasels, two snakes and a pair of pit bulls.
ReplyDeleteif obama says we need to court the evangelical vote, there may be no better tool than god's wrath upon texas (wild fires,hail storms) florida (tropical storms,) and now the district. i'm sure bush and his evil brood would rather nobody noticed!
One thing about McConnell, He's consistent. He really beleives in conservatism. But he's also a true civil libretarian. In 50 years when the Neo-con joke is over ... I think he'll be remembered as a statesman not a neo con hack.