Foaming-at-the-mouth radio talk show host/liar Rush Limbaugh, the posterpig-- along with Ann Coulter-- for real Republican values was arrested at Palm Beach International Airport smuggling drugs into the country after a weekend sex jaunt to the Dominican Republic. Along with the hillbilly heroin (oxycotin) that has become part of the Limbaugh legend, airport officials claim to have found piles of Viagra. According to CBS-TV "Limbaugh entered a plea deal back in April in a previous case where his charge of fraud to conceal information to obtain prescriptions was dropped under the condition he continue undergoing treatment for addiction. Limbaugh had admitted to being addicted to pain killers on his radio program and had entered a rehabilitation program prior to that arrest."
So it looks like Limbaugh has violated the terms of his agreement with the state of Florida. And international drug smuggling is a big deal. I wonder if lard-ass is going to jail this time? And what about buying sex from under-aged girls in third world countries? Isn't that against a law too now?
Limbaugh, who regularly denounces sex and drugs and rock'n'roll on his GOP propaganda show for people incapable of thought processes beyond a garden variety caterpillar, has still not sullied the good name of rock'n'roll with his outrageous hypocritical escapades (although Ann Coulter today claimed to be the world's only non-pot-smoking Deadhead).
No, not the video of Limbaugh in a drug crazed sex orgy during his wild weekend (at least not yet). What John has up now is the video of Olbermann talking about Limbaugh being "detained" at the airport. I'm sure John's got his sources searching every nook and cranny in the D.R. looking for the real tapes. As soon as he has 'em up, I'll let you know! (Tuesday: John's got the audio up of Limbaugh trying to defend himself with lame jokes about
My pal Taylor is a brilliant writer and an impassioned progressive. She has also done more investigative work on the sex trade than anyone I know. Her coverage on Rush's sex tourism is the best in town. I recommend you do some brain tourism at Taylor's blog. Meanwhile, here's a taste of RUSH STOPS BY "SINGLE MAN'S PARADISE."
"Oh, no, I'll listen to anything about sex . ... My friends, I'm a pervert. I like kinky weird sex and I'm going to continue to like kinky weird sex." - Rush Limbaugh
It's a classic dodge. The fat man asks for an international escort. It's a single man's dream when on an exotic island. There is only one problem. The "escort" is almost always underage, at least by American standards, as well as the standards of common decency. I've studied and researched the topic for years, little of which was pleasant.
But that's the thing about sex junkets and dipping your doo-hicky into international... er, watering holes. All bets are off. The rules don't apply. And word to the wise... Just watch out for "Caroline" or you may come home with more than you bargained for.
But if that's not clear enough for you try this. The Dominican Republic is known for being a sexual Disneyland.
"There is always a demand for sex," said one Dominican prostitute as she lounged at one of the town's waterfront bars. "Men will always pay for it, especially in here ... where they can get anything they want at a discount."
Indeed, the Dominican Republic is one of the biggest sex tourism destinations in the world, thanks in part to Internet sites that extol the country as a "single man's paradise."
Of course, for Rush, the Dominican Republic is a perfect stopping off point. He won't find any feminazis down there. The women are as desperate as the women in Ralph Reed's favorite spot, Myanmar.
"The radical left, the Big Labor Union Bosses, and Bill Clinton want to pass a law preventing Chinese from coming to work on the Marianas Islands," the mailer from Reed's firm said. The Chinese workers, it added, "are exposed to the teachings of Jesus Christ" while on the islands, and many "are converted to the Christian faith and return to China with Bibles in hand."
A year earlier, the Department of the Interior -- which oversees federal policy toward the U.S. territory -- presented a very different picture of life for Chinese workers on the islands. An Interior report found that Chinese women were subject to forced abortions and that women and children were subject to forced prostitution in the local sex-tourism industry.
Having done investigative work in the sex trade for years, the whole notion of Rush being stopped when coming from the Dominican Republic is just too delicious not to tie together. Sure, a grown man should never be caught without his Viagra, but I still don't get why the private jet Rush was on stopped in the Dominican Republic in the first place. Could be innocent and another one of those convenient Republican coincidences. But that's where fat men go, baby. Because child prostitutes can't say no.
After 3 divorces, it's easy to understand why Rush might prefer a little docile barely legal babe. However, other rumors for years. I mean, who can forget Rush's obsession with Gore's package in a show that had me in tears I was laughing so hard. Of course, now I know he was drugged out of his mind when he did it, but still. But those rumors are just silly, or is that stogie in his mouth telling the truth?
I am having difficulty keeping my dinner down with the though of Rush Limbaugh actually having a purpose to possess Viagra.
ReplyDeleteOh the horror...
Also, it should be noted that the use of Viagra for sexual purposes by an unwed person happens to go against his social conservative background.
Howie, you're Jewish and I'm an atheist, but right now we're gonna sing a little Christmas carol tune together. Are you ready? It goes like this...
ReplyDelete"Schadenfreude, oh schadenfreude,
I love to hear you weeping
Oh schadenfrued, of schadenfruede,
It's evil grins we're keeping..."
Oh the horror...
ReplyDeleterefusing to think of that man with a 4 hour stiffie...
Man, keeping fingers crossed the truth will actually come out as to why Rush Limp-baugh was there with "Pee-Pee Power." Maybe this explains his 43 ex-wifes? Perhaps the exes became "dildoheads" while married to Lush? Just askin'...
ReplyDeleteI've never understood why so many people listen to these verbal whoopee cushions talk about family values. Limp-baugh (numerous wives, drug addictions, etc.), Coulter (never married, no kids), The Bush Family across the board (puh-leeeze!), and on and on are constantly lecturing me about good, wholesome, American families. My wife and I have four kids and are as happy as Keith Richards on a distillery tour, and these familial train wrecks are telling us how to live our lives?!? Plus, all the single people, gay couples, and other villians of the Church of Newt that I have been fortunate to call friends over the years, are truly great assests to society, and deserve so much more than the disdain they get from these loudmouths. That's right...Kum Ba Yah mother f-ers, Kum Ba Yah...
I second all the other comments. Rush and Viagra. The gag factor. The horror.
ReplyDeleteRush with viagra is like eating at a Tijuana taco bell...makes ya wanna run for the border and throw up.
ReplyDeleteRush with Viagra is similar to eating at a Tijuana Taco Bell...Makes you wanna run for the border and throw up.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, we gotta be honest and say that Rush was in the DR to spend time with adult women, NOT CHILDREN. He was in a exclusive resort that offers European women as part of an all-inclusive "relax vacation". You can see it all at www.charlisangels.com
ReplyDeleteand of course, Viagra is legal everywhere, so what's the Rush to provoke a media fuzz??? give the guy a break!!
To think that this disgusting liar gets paid to badmouth us. We are so extremely much better than this two-faced rabid loudmouth!