
There won't be any new art for a few days. I wasn't shocked to discover how incredibly shallow the off-duty interests of our Art Director, Adam, are, nor what a huge influence he has been having on Sadie and especially Sophie, who has been frightening neighbors in the retirement community with the papier-mâché Guy Fawkes mask Adam made for her after the 3 of them went to see V FOR VENDETTA and Sophie kept screaming "Bush" whenever the chancellor's image came onscreen. But the 3 of them are off to some kind of Miami Winter Music Festival for a few days where they plan to party with Paris Hilton. I was stricken to hear this and to think what a really terrible influence Adam is having on these two women who have been through so much in their combined 167 years.
At least I talked Sadie into trying to get into the Konstantinos "Gus" Boulis murder trial down there. I've been writing about how a bunch of Tom DeLay cronies, including Republican rainmaker Jack Abramoff, DeLay staffers Michael Scanlon and Adam Kidan, and extreme right-wing Republican Congressman Bob Ney were intricately wound up in the gangland style murder of Boulis several years ago (Some of the stories go back over a year. Take a look here, here and here).
Today South Florida's SUN-SENTINEL is reporting that Abramoff has finally been subpoenaed in the murder case. It has been widely speculated that the way the government prosecutors got him to turn states evidence and agree to testify against his powerful Republican Party associates like Bob Ney, Tom DeLay and Conrad Burns is by agreeing that he wouldn't get the death penalty for ordering the murder of his former partner, Boulis, by the 3 Mafia hitmen he claims to have hired "as catering consultants" but who gunned down Boulis while Abramoff and his associates were conveniently out of town.
"The attorney for murder suspect Anthony 'Big Tony' Moscatiello filed paperwork this week asking to question Abramoff and Long Island businessman Adam Kidan about the SunCruz Casino founder's gangland-style slaying. Broward Circuit Judge Michael Kaplan granted the request Thursday after prosecutors agreed to it." Both still claim they weren't involved with the murder plot.
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