Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Midnight Meme Of The Day!


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by Noah

During the 2016 campaign, Donnie Lunatic kept telling everyone how rich he is. "I'm really, really rich," he told his goofball hate-hat rally attendees. Way too many people, candidates and voters alike, think that immense wealth alone is a plus when it comes to picking a president. Mr. Lunatic said he was a great business man and that helped con a lot of those people. There's a difference though between former real estate snd casino sleazeball con artist Trump and stinking rich former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Trump's wealth is always going to be in question until, if ever, we see his taxes, but Bloomberg's wealth is known. Trump has already falsely and vastly exaggerated his worth and claimed that he's worth up to $10 Billion. Trump is also clearly motivated by the acquisition of more and more money even if, or maybe even better if, it means selling out the United States Of America to our adversaries. In whole or in part makes little difference to him. Only the amount in his bank accounts and the amount of pain he can sadistically inflict on people matters to Donnie Lunatic.

On the other hand, Michael Bloomberg is provably worth $58 Billion, nearly six times the wealth Donnie claims to possess and likely many more times than that. Bloomberg is a true self-made individual and, apparently, despite any bad flaws such as racial and acquired class insensitivity, or other human failings, quite sane. To me, that sanity doesn't necessarily make him a good presidential candidate all by itself but that doesn't mean Michael Bloomberg has no role to play when it comes to being a benefactor of our country and all mankind. So Mayor Mike, I have a suggestion! My suggestion means you have to sacrifice somewhat but it's a sacrifice that a man of your means can easily absorb. Mayor Mike, rather than spending your money on purchasing the United States presidency, how 'bout you go to the bank and take $10 Billion of your money and pay Donnie Lunatic $10 Billion to not be president anymore, to leave the White House permanently and never darken our door again? If my plan is successful, you will go down in history as a hero who truly gave of himself for his country. Donnie, for the first time, will be able to honestly say that he's worth $10 Billion, and, most importantly, the country will be saved, at least from its immediate and total destruction. It's a win, win, win! Hell, you can even have statues of yourself erected all over the place, and still have over $40 Billion left over. With that $40 Billion, you can get back to $58 Billion in no time at all! Who says a social structure made up of only uber rich Lords and us poor Serfs is all bad?

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At 4:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Mayor Mike, rather than spending your money on purchasing the United States presidency, how 'bout you go to the bank and take $10 Billion of your money and pay Donnie Lunatic $10 Billion to not be president anymore, to leave the White House permanently and never darken our door again?"

But that's SOSHULIZM to give significant capital to an economic inferior, and Bloomberg is incredibly hostile to that philosophy. The only reason Bloomberg's getting into the race is -because as we all know from our Texas textbooks- that Capitalism is the only political system under which the wealthy can buy their way to power. It MUST be defended! Then the wealthy can impose their corporatist feudalism on the working class (see: working conditions at Amazon) and get rid of all that democracy nonsense.

Will of the People! As if!

At 5:42 AM, Anonymous Ida Jurie said...

4:34, Look up the words facetious. snark, and sarcasm. Either one might be a help here.

At 2:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ida, insipid snark will usually inspire more snark.

as I can attest, even perspective, facts, data and history will generate a lot of snark.

the usa is a snarkfest among morons, when we're not shooting each other.

At 5:44 PM, Anonymous Richard Langly said...

Ida, notice how quickly 4:34 makes it all about himself. Oh, the poor ego under attack! Ida, you should have asked him to grow a sense of humor, too. It might help his reading comprehension.

At 5:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You make me laugh, Langly! Imagine it you actually had something to say. I'd be rolling in the aisles. So put your clown shoes on and hit the road. The circus left without you.


At 6:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guys, it's hard for blowhards to develop a sense of humor. They're to preoccupied with self.

At 11:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Langly is full of himself. I suggest that you not emulate him lest you become full of him also.


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