Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Centrist Michael Bloomberg Buying Support For A Presidential Run


A friend of mine spends part of his summers at the Bohemian Grove getaway for the elite. He always invites me. I would rather walk into a burning house. In July or August he told me Bloomberg was telling everyone there he is "definitely" running for president (as a Democrat). Yecchhhh.

Early Monday, reports started circulating that his political team was vowing to spend more money on electing female congressional candidates in the midterms "than any individual ever has before." God save us! How about spending it on the best candidates regardless of gender? Oh, wait-- he has too burnish his image with women for 2020... I get it. So supposedly he's spending $80 million on the midterms. I haven't been able to find out how much of that is earmarked for women candidates-- nor which women he's bankrolling.

At an EMILY's List event, he said "I will be putting more money into supporting women candidates this cycle than any individual ever has before because if we're going to win, it's going to be women that get us there. And I want to do my part."

Yesterday, Elena Schneider reported for Politico that Everytown for Gun Safety, a group Bloomberg funds "is rolling out a $5 million digital ad campaign targeting 15 House races," which were targeted just at DCCC Red to Blue candidates, targeting suburban districts that the DCCC has decided are "top tier." The GOP incumbents targeted and their Democratic opponents are:
CA-48: Dana Rohrabacher v Harley Rouda
CO-06: Mike Coffman v Jason Crow
CO-06: Karen Handel v Lucy McBath
KS-03: Kevin Yoder v Sharice Davids
MN-03: Erik Paulsen v Dean Phillips
MI-08: Mike Bishop v Elissa Slotkin
NJ-03: Tom MacArthur v Andy Kim
VA-10: Barbara Comstock v Jennifer Wexton
The open seats being targeted-- and the Democratic candidates) are CA-49 (Mike Levin), NV-03 (Susie Lee), NV-04 (Steven Hosford), FL-27 (Donna Shalala), MI-11 (Haley Stevens), NJ-11 (Mikie Sherrill ) and WA-08 (Kim Schrier).

Let's see... any progressives on the list? Mmmmmm... well, a couple are relatively progressivish. But no Berniecrats, that's for damn sure. And not a single one who's signed on to our Medicare-For-All co-sponsor page, even though I invited several to do so.

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At 2:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

DWT will find a way to endorse Bloomberg as well, if Bloomberg ends up as the Democratic nominee.

At 3:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

DWT already has. hold your nose and... applies to whomever. any blue will do.

Same shit (party) different day (rich elitist pretending to be an altruist).

Nothing changes.

At 3:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read that quote at the bottom. Twice if it helps. If twice isn't enough, thrice might do it. If not... never mind.

If Bernie was sincere, then he could NOT have bent over and endorsed and campaigned for the wall street whore. He could not have taken the buggering the DNC gave him and turned around, "Animal House" style, and said, 'thank you sirs, may I have another'.

Since actions define the measure of a man, Bernie cannot be taken at his word. He's a liar. He's nothing more than a sheepdog.

By using his quotes so liberally herein, you betray your own herding canine proclivities.

That all these herding canines are so effective... well, that's on the voters... dumbest group of bleating sheep ever to walk on 2 feet.

At 6:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He bought a third term for NYC mayor, so why not higher office?


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