Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The mystery Republican Bush-basher is outed as Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele, and now he's busy kissing up to the dear leader


As hypothesized by Howie, the mystery Republican Senate candidate who bad-mouthed the Bush administration to reporters including the Washington Post's Dana Milbank is Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele.

And as Rachel Maddow noted this morning on her Air America Radio show, once Steele was "outed" as the public bad-mouther of fellow Republicans, in violation of the famous Republican "11th Commandment," his staff launched an orgy of sycophantic praise of the First Chimp.


Amid all kinds of speculation about his motives for dissing Bush and the rubber stamp Congress, Michael Steele, has tried some pretty fancy footwork over the last 48 hours. The latest is also the greatest. "Republican Senate candidate Michael Steele on Wednesday called President Bush his 'homeboy,' reversed course on having the president campaign for him and said he was joking when he described his Republican affiliation as a scarlet letter."


At 11:57 PM, Blogger KenInNY said...

It's still kind of hard to figure out what Steele thought he was getting away with when he hatched the original stunt of his "anonymous" press event. Whatever it was, I'm inclined to think it hasn't exactly "worked out."

I guess possibly he has improved his name recognition. But most of the people who've learned his name probably imagine him in a clown suit.



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