Tuesday, November 08, 2005



I just got back from voting. I feel great; civic participation in democracy always makes me feel GREAT! Well, not as great as I used to feel when I was innocently positive that all votes count and that people like Katherine Harris and Ken Blackwell and Chuck Hagel and Karl Rove weren't in positions where they could count votes any way they want. But this is California. It can't happen here. Right?

Anyway, it was so easy to strike out against BushCo and fascism today. The first page of the voting book you insert the punch card in has all 6 of the reactionary right-wing proposals. So it's simple as pie to punch no, no, no, no, no, no. That's 6 NO's to Schwarzenegger and Bush and the hideous right-wing crap they've been shoving our faces in. Then on the next page are the 2 good propositions, #79 and #80-- YES and YES.

If I still lived in NYC I guess I would vote for Ferrer, knowing he has zero chance. But, at this point in the development of our political history, just about any Democrat is better than any Republican. But almost all my friends in NY seem to dislike Ferrer or question his competence (etc). I'm telling them to just stay home and not disgrace themselves by voting for the party that is destroying our country.


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